
Practice Assessments

There are two sections to this assessment. This section of the practice assessment comprises questions from traditional numerical, verbal and inductive reasoning tests.

Numerical: These questions measure the ability to understand, interpret and logically evaluate numerical information. You will need to work both quickly and accurately to perform well in this test. You will require a calculator and some rough paper for this part of the test.

Verbal: These questions measure the ability to evaluate, reason and conceptualise with words and sentences.

You will be presented with a passage of information, and four statements about that passage. For each of the four statements you must select one of the following answers:

1) Definitely True: The statement is definitely true beyond a reasonable doubt, based solely on the information in the passage.

2) Probably True: The statement is more likely to be true than false, but not definitely true beyond a reasonable doubt, based solely on the information in the passage.

3) Insufficient Information: There is not enough evidence to make a decision based solely on the information provided in the passage.

4) Probably False: The statement is more likely to be false than true, but not definitely false beyond a reasonable doubt, based solely on the information in the passage.

5) Definitely False: The statement is definitely false beyond a reasonable doubt, based solely on the information in the passage.

Inductive: This test will evaluate your ability to think logically and solve abstract problems. You will be presented with a logical sequence of figures, and will be required to identify which one answer best matches the next figure in the sequence. You will have 60 seconds to answer each question.

Please note: Any information provided will be anonymously stored and no personally identifiable information is collected. The data collected during this practice assessment will be used internally for research and statistical purposes only. After completing the test, your scores will be provided.

This assessment is for practice purposes only and should not be used in employee selection.

Please do not complete this practice assessment if you are under the age of 16.